
2024年菠菜网lol正规平台奖和捐赠者表彰活动于周二举行, 1月30日在明尼苏达山谷乡村俱乐部, 有150多名社区成员参加.

The annual event offers the school a public opportunity to acknowledge AHA  community members who have made a difference in the lives of so many students and teachers at Holy Angels and those who have positively impacted the school for years to come. 除了这11位获奖者外,圣. 约瑟夫终生宫廷 & 美国心脏协会遗产协会也得到了认可.



艾德·弗莱厄蒂,贝丝·弗莱厄蒂 & 弗莱厄蒂家族基金会-圣. 约瑟夫奖:

菠菜网lol正规平台表彰埃德和贝丝·弗莱厄蒂夫妇, 以及他们的家族基金, for their extraordinary efforts to ensure that students with significant financial need can attend faith-based, 明尼苏达州和全国各地的大学预科高中, 以及他们对美国AHA弗莱厄蒂学者的坚定承诺.

Ed Flaherty began the Flaherty Family Foundation almost 30 years ago as the result of the family values instilled in him, 他的天主教基础, 还有圣经上所说的"多给谁, 人们对此期望甚高。”. 

2014年,艾德请女儿贝丝·弗莱厄蒂(贝丝 Flaherty)领导弗莱厄蒂家族基金会(Flaherty Family Foundation). 自2015年加入基金会以来,她. Flaherty has grown the organization from three Scholars in one high school to 400 Flaherty Scholars in 30 faith-based high schools in Minnesota, 维吉尼亚州, DC, 马里兰, 蒙大拿(大瀑布)和新泽西. 

Holy Angels has established a partnership with the Flaherty Family Foundation (FFF) to help provide scholarship funds to high-potential students with economic need from the Twin Cities. 2015-16年度,FFF为12名AHA学生提供了部分奖学金. 从那时起, Holy Angels and FFF have partnered to provide scholarship support to at least 20 qualified students a year with significant financial need.

贝丝 Flaherty分享道, “Our greatest hope is that we’re successful in building a community of scholars who become a ‘world force’, 也就是说他们互相支持, 他们互相联系, they collaboratively and collectively contribute to society in a very big way to make our world a better place.”

Marlys Anderson Thies '57 - Angelus奖:

菠菜网lol正规平台 honors Marlys Thies ‘57 for her years of dedicated service to her AHA classmates and friends, 她广泛参与社区活动, 以及她的家庭对天主教教育的整体承诺.  

Marlys is a wonderful example in a long line of AHA alumnae from our school’s pre-coed era, 谁毕生致力于服务他人,从而提升了我们的社区. 她为双子城社区做出了巨大贡献, 通过各种面向服务的角色分享她的天赋.

Her volunteerism as a representative of her class and in the greater Twin Cities has been exemplary. 玛丽丝(美国心脏协会的校友)和丈夫大卫(DeLaSalle校友)是忠诚的, 两所高中的重要支持者!

约翰 & 贝丝 Schutz - Possumus奖:

约翰和贝丝·舒茨是校友杰克20和卢卡斯23的父母. 他们的儿子也上美国心脏协会, 他们以许多不可分割的方式参与其中, 直到今天,他们仍然支持这所学校.

约翰’s impact on the school came through his leadership on the AHA Board of Trustees from 2018 - 2023, 他在2018年和2019年担任主席. 约翰对改善学校的财政状况很感兴趣, 这导致了教职员工403b退休计划的发展, 进一步减少学校的长期债务, 增加捐赠基金的资金.  约翰还在董事会财务委员会任职超过20年.  贝丝是一位积极参与的家长,并在2023年高级派对规划委员会任职.

职业方面,约翰是富国私人银行的常务董事. 他被《菠菜网最稳定正规平台》评为全国顶级财富顾问.  贝丝, 谁有教育学硕士学位, was a teacher in the Minneapolis School District for 12 years and a substitute teacher at Our Lady of Grace for eight years. 

他们在社区中也很活跃. 约翰 is a former board member and chair of the Finance Committee for Our Lady of Grace and volunteers with Junior Achievement and Habitat for Humanity. 贝丝在她的儿子们上学期间担任圣母恩典专利商标局的主席, 她在明尼阿波利斯危机托儿所做志愿者.

约翰 & 旺达·哈格蒂——负鼠奖

旺达和约翰·哈格蒂是慷慨、热心、奉献的天主教学校家长. 他们的三个女儿, Shawn Hagerty moch ' 89, 94届的Colleen Hagerty Bergh和99届的megan Hagerty都是AHA的毕业生.

Wanda has been the school secretary at Nativity of Mary Catholic School in Bloomington for many years. 在此之前,她担任过志愿者体育主管、房间管理员和监护人. 她是南方青年组织(SSYO)的创始成员之一。, 在董事会任职多年. 通过她的奉献, 成千上万的学生有机会参加体育活动.

约翰在建立社区方面一直是一个巨大的帮助, 提供的机会, 并热情款待所有人. 他分享了他的教练天赋, 主持, 并为他的女儿们参加的许多运动队记录得分或数据. 他和旺达也贡献了自己的时间, 人才, 以及许多美国心脏协会和耶稣诞生活动和委员会的宝藏. 

哈格蒂一家一直觉得有一种召唤要参与他们所信仰的事业, 这包括支持他们的女儿和孙子们的努力. This has led them to dedicate much of their time to making sure students and families have the same opportunities for growth and success that they were able to provide their own children.

约翰和旺达都有一颗金子般的心,是基督坚定的管家! The Nativity of Mary and 菠菜网lol正规平台 communities have been made better because of them and their incredible service. 谢谢你!!

Jeff Boyle ' 05 -新星青年校友奖:

Jeff Boyle is being recognized with the Rising Star Award for his dedication to Catholic education, his service to the families at Blessed Trinity and for sharing his time and 人才 as a coach at Holy Angels. 

2005年毕业时, Jeff went on to earn a degree in Education from Cornell 大学 and then a Master’s Degree from the University of St. 托马斯。. 

他的职业生涯是圣三一中学的英语老师, teaching a diverse group of learners including a wonderful group of first generation families.

杰夫是一位有爱心、有耐心的老师,他对学生有很高的期望.  His passion and loyalty to the students at BT has been evident in his long-lasting relationships he sustains with his former students and how successful and confident his students are after leaving BT. 

In addition to his love of teaching and learning, Jeff continues to share his 人才s at AHA. Jeff is a long-time assistant 足球 coach and an instrumental member of the staff since 2009. He is known for his selfless, humble demeanor and for his specialty as our offensive coordinator. 

他曾在美国心脏协会执教6支州锦标赛橄榄球队, 两支预备碗队, 以及2017年的一支州冠军球队.  2009年至2016年,他还担任明星棒球队的教练.

Kelsey Romatoski '09 -活动名人堂:

菠菜网lol正规平台 honors Kelsey Romatoski ‘09 in recognition of  her outstanding hockey and 田径 career. 凯尔西是前五名的决赛选手. 2009年曲棍球冠军,2008年和2009年全州最佳,2007年、2008年和2009年全联盟最佳. Kelsey also helped her hockey team win five straight conference titles and played on the 2005 Class AA State Hockey Championship team.  凯尔西也是四年的田径冠军,并在2009年担任队长. 凯尔西是2009年雅典娜奖的获得者, 获得学术全州, 并且是国家荣誉协会的成员. 

凯尔西在哈佛大学的学业和曲棍球生涯都很成功. 她是曲棍球四年冠军(2009-2013), 2013年ECAC年度学生运动员决赛入围者, 四年的ECAC学术团队成员, 波士顿豆锅冠军(2010), 常青藤联盟冠军(2013), 两次参加NCAA锦标赛(2010年), 2013).

今天, 凯尔西是波士顿贝斯以色列女执事医疗中心的外科住院医师, 立志成为一名肿瘤外科医生. She graduated in the top 5% of her medical school class and was part of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. 2021年,她获得了艾萨克O. 赫雷兹, MD Resident Award which recognizes a third-year resident selected by Mount Auburn Hospital surgeons for "a dedication to the highest quality care, 诚实, 学习意愿, 还有幽默感."


大卫·弗雷尔在他所做的一切中都包含了AHA之道. 他被认可为他15年的奉献精神和服务,以美国心脏协会的田径, 艺术及进修计划. 通过他的专业摄影, David has faithfully and tirelessly 共享 his creative 人才s with thousands of players and families - to capture the spirit of AHA.  

大卫的职业道德, humble spirit and amazing skills have been a blessing to all of those he has encountered. 他的照片挂在美国心脏协会的走廊和网站上,是给学校的一份永恒的礼物.

大卫和他的妻子伊薇特有两个女儿,她们都参加了美国心脏协会.  Erika 2009年和Caitlin 2013年. 埃里卡和凯特琳都在美国足球协会踢足球,大卫就是在那里开始拍照的. 戴夫Marshak, 女子足球教练, 共享, “十多年来,大卫一直是我们项目的重要组成部分. 当他的女儿凯特琳在球队打球时,他就成为了我们家的一员, 大一就进了校队, 并通过他的摄影继续参与其中. 他和我们一起经历了所有的高潮和低谷, 赢得冠军, 简短地说一下, 他那些令人惊叹的照片捕捉到了与那次经历相关的所有情感. 我总是把一切都告诉别人, I want our girls to say one of the best parts of their AHA experience was being a part of our girls soccer program, 这么多年来,大卫帮助这么多球员保持了这种经历. 他是我们的家人.”

今天,大卫正在为许多其他运动、节目和事件拍摄照片.  You can find him making trips across the metro to take photos of everything from a junior varsity game to a state championship game. 经历这一切, David conducts his photography work with a smile on his face and as a donation to the school. 

Mike Hoover ' 80 -活动名人堂:

菠菜网lol正规平台 honors Mike Hoover ‘80 in recognition of his outstanding multi-activity career in wrestling, 足球, 田径, 和戏剧. 迈克高三时是三项运动的队长, 作为防守端球员被评为全美最佳球员, 并被选为美国电影协会出品的《 国王与我. 在摔跤, 迈克是会议冠军, 区冠军, 并获得了1980年明尼苏达州摔跤锦标赛的资格.

迈克在他的职业生涯之前曾光荣地在美国军队服役. 他在第一次海湾战争中担任连长, inducted into the first cadre course of the The United States Army Acquisition Corps (AAC) in 1990, 并收到了.S. 陆军玩具导弹C-16维修优等奖,同样在1990年.

迈克和他的妻子米莉有四个成年女儿, 娜塔莉Durkin, 米歇尔·麦克伦, 珍娜·哈斯, 和布里安娜·卡罗尔. 在从事工业销售工作后,他现在正在享受退休生活.

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